Saturday, March 12, 2011

In which I check in with the list for March

Source: via WikipediaOK, it doesn't look like much will get done this month that didn't get done in the last 11, so let's do an overall recap.  If anything gets done between now and my birthday, I'll let you know.

  1. Learn to ride a bike. -- Nope.
  2. Get my driver's license -- Nope
  3. Get my own domain and move my blogs there. -- Nope
  4. Obtain at least one new pen-pal -- Almost, but losing my notebook was a major setback.
  5. See one of the American sites on my list of Things to Do Before I Die -- I did a decent amount of traveling, but didn't manage this.
  6. Go somewhere I've never been before (the above does not count) -- Several! London, Paris, Brussels.... Chicago.
  7. Read one of the books on the same list. -- Too many are series.  It's a trap!
  8. Watch one movie from the AFI 100 -- Done
  9. Watch a second movie from the AFI 100 -- Done
  10. Watch a third movie from the AFI 100 -- Done
  11. Come up with an idea for an ebook.  Not necessarily write the thing, but come up with the idea. -- Nope.  Am open to suggestions.
  12. Actually win NaNoWriMo  -- Hahahaha.  No.
  13. Read a book off my reading list (Not counting #7) -- Done
  14. Read a second book off my reading list -- Done
  15. Read a third book off my reading list -- Done
  16. Read a fourth book off my reading list -- Done
  17. Read a fifth book off my reading list -- Done
  18. Read a sixth book off my reading list -- Done
  19. Read a seventh book off my reading list -- Done
  20. Read an eighth book off my reading list -- Done
  21. Read a ninth book off my reading list -- Done
  22. Read a tenth book off my reading list -- Done
  23. Submit a piece of writing for publication -- Nope.  Didn't even finish one.
  24. Buy an outfit that makes me look amazing, and not freak out about the price -- Eh.... maybe.  Sort of.
  25. Attend a Flyers home game. -- Nope.
  26. See the Pacific -- Nope.  Next year doesn't look good, either.
  27. Join something: a club, organization, or team -- Book club, yay.
  28. Attend a cherry blossom festival -- This is really the only one I might do in the next month.  I'll let you know.
Not a very productive year, is it?  Let's see if I can do better in the year ahead... list will be up soon, but I'm open to suggestions in the meantime.
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